red heifer artinya
- red: merah; red; komunis; pirang; kemerahan;
- heifer: lembu betina yg belum beranak; heifer; sapi muda;
- heifer: lembu betina yg belum beranak; heifer; sapi muda; sapi
- be in the red: berutang
- in the red: berhutang; kerugian; hutang
- red: merah; red; komunis; pirang; kemerahan; kemerah-merahan; merah padam; merah darah; memerah; rugi; kerugian; mérah
- blood red: warna merah darah; merah darah
- blood-red: kemerahan; kemerah-merahan; merah darah; merah
- bright red: merah terang
- cadmium-red: merah kadmium
- cheny red: merah jambu
- cherry-red: merah; merah darah; kemerah-merahan; kemerahan
- chinese red: warna merah jingga
- dark-red: merah tua
- deep red: merah delima; merah lembayung; lembayung
- One Jewish tradition teaches that the ashes of the last red heifer sacrificed were always mixed with the ashes of each new red heifer The Temple Institute states, "Some opinions maintain that the newer ashes were always mixed together with a combination of the previous ashes.
Salah satu tradisi Yahudi mengajarkan bahwa abu merah terakhir sapi kurban selalu dicampur dengan abu dari lembu betina merah The Temple Institute menyatakan, "Beberapa pendapat berpendapat bahwa abu baru selalu dicampur bersama-sama dengan kombinasi dari sebelumnya abu. - One Jewish tradition teaches that the ashes of the last red heifer sacrificed were always mixed with the ashes of each new red heifer The Temple Institute states, "Some opinions maintain that the newer ashes were always mixed together with a combination of the previous ashes.
Salah satu tradisi Yahudi mengajarkan bahwa abu merah terakhir sapi kurban selalu dicampur dengan abu dari lembu betina merah The Temple Institute menyatakan, "Beberapa pendapat berpendapat bahwa abu baru selalu dicampur bersama-sama dengan kombinasi dari sebelumnya abu.